Residential treatment centers (RTC) are an excellent option for those just beginning, continuing, or revisiting their recovery journey. Patients have the opportunity to separate themselves from the people, places, influences, and situations that may have contributed to their substance use disorder (SUD). The vast benefits of an inpatient program have made it a go-to treatment type for those struggling with a variety of addiction disorders.
Making the decision to fully immerse oneself in a residential treatment program can be very effective in promoting long-term recovery. By providing 24-hour care in a comfortable, non-institutional setting, patients can reap the positive benefits of consistent clinical and peer support while enjoying more independence than is found in a hospital setting. While stepping away from established routines can be difficult, the ability for patients to focus solely on their recovery can be transformational. Time spent understanding their addiction and the choices and behaviors that resulted from the disease help to break unhealthy patterns and learn more effective coping skills. This period is also used to explore the different types of aftercare to make the right choice for their needs.