BayMark Health Services, the leading provider of medication-assisted treatment services for opioid use disorder, will continue to provide care to our patients in programs across the U.S. and Canada in accordance with CDC, Federal, State and Provincial guidelines.
Substance use treatment programs of all types are considered essential medical facilities and all BayMark programs will continue to provide addiction treatment services to our patients. We are focused on maintaining the cleanliness of our facilities and the health and safety of our patients and staff.
Ensuring Patient Safety
In addition to our regular practices, all staff nationwide are adhering to CDC recommended guidelines and hygiene practices including:
- Regular handwashing for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- Frequent cleaning of surfaces throughout the day
- Practicing Social distancing throughout the lobbies and other common areas within our programs
- Medically screening employees and patients with symptoms and referring them to follow CDC recommendations
Implementing Emergency Protocols
Each individual state will develop its own protocols that the different treatment program types in that state should follow. BayMark facilities will implement and communicate any of those changes or exceptions as they are approved by the applicable state and federal entities. These changes may include:
✓ Telehealth or other remote options for counseling or physician visits
✓ Expanded parameters for take-home medication in applicable programs
We continue to accept new admissions. If you are in need of treatment, please contact us to schedule an intake appointment.
BayMark Health Services is committed to being a partner to our patients, their families and the communities we serve. We will continue to support those in recovery and make every effort to support their general health and well-being as well.